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                Foreign Trade Business Order (English)

                Salary: Negotiable
                Working place: Dalian
                Education: Bachelor degree or above
                Work experience: more than 2 years

                1.Responsible for contacting customers, preparing quotations, signing contracts and arranging production plans;
                2.Communicating with customers, and conveying customers’ instructions and opinions to factories and merchandisers;
                3. Translation and coordinating the communication of each link;
                4. Implementing all instructions issued by customers.
                5. Arranging the purchase of fabrics and accessories and determining the arrival time of the materials. Timely preparation of fabrics, accessories and other materials required for production and following up the production progress and quality of the order.
                6. Following up the progress of mass production, communicating effectively with the factory and technology department; be able to independently handle and solve relevant problems before, during and after production; supervising the smooth production of bulk goods;
                7. Following up the shipment and reconciliation of ready-made clothing products;
                8. Preparing export documents. 

                1. More than 2 years experience in garment merchandising in Europe and America;
                2. Conscientious, responsible, hard-working, with good team spirit; 
                3. Good presentation and coordination skills;
                4. English ability: proficient in reading and writing emails, listening and speaking.