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                Casual Wear&Laundry

                Dalian Vent d’Est Lavado & Garments Co.,Ltd. was founded on June 3, 2010, with a registered capital of 35 million yuan. Its business mainly focus on processing and production of clothing, shoes, hats, clothing and accessories, washing water, general domestic trade. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vent d’Est Garments Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Vent d’Est Shares").

                The Company is located in Shenlu Industrial Park, Paotai Town, Puwan New District, Dalian city. Covering an area of about 20,000 square meters, it is an hour’s drive from Dalian City and 40 minutes’ drive from Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport.

                Since its inception, with the purpose of "Customer First, Quality First",the Company has long cooperated with well-known brand clothing companies,for its production and processing of various styles of popular clothing. It has passed the RDS certification,OCS (Organic Content Standard) Certification,Disney FAMA certification, ISO 9001 quality management system certification,BSCI certification,SMETA certification and other certifications.

                At present, the Company has about 700 employees, more than 700 sets of various processing equipments, 12 production lines, with an annual production capacity of 1.2 ~ 1.4 million pieces.It mainly process various sportswear, such as casual men’s and women’s cotton singles, jackets, windbreakers and pants, and all kinds of washing water treatment. With complete design, production, storage and transportation industry chain processing capabilities, it has received high praise from customers and the industry.