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              1. <blockquote id='BA5Whn'><q id='BA5Whn'><noscript id='BA5Whn'></noscript><dt id='BA5Whn'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='BA5Whn'><i id='BA5Whn'></i>
                Platform For Overseas Factories
                Vent d’Est (Hong Kong) Co.,Ltd. was founded on September 19, 2008, with a registered capital of HK$10,000. It was known as Vent d’Est International Trade Co., Ltd.at the beginning of its establishment. It is mainly engaged in garment trade business. The products mainly include women’s cotton coat, women’s jacket, women’s windbreaker, men’s jacket and children’s trousers, shorts and jackets. It is not only a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vent d’Est Garment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Vent d’Est Shares”), but also the trading window of Vent d’Est overseas production base.

                Taking full advantage of Hong Kong's policy and geographical advantages as a free trading port, the Company actively expand overseas business. Its main trading partners are the world's top 500 companies。

                As the export platform of Vent d’Est overseas production base, the Company relies on the low labor cost, abundant human resources and tax reduction and exemption policies of Southeast Asian countries to provide customers with a lot of high-quality capacity, which guarantees the price competitive advantage for customers. At the same time, taking "high standards, high requirements, high quality, high efficiency" as the business objectives, the Company has been highly recognized by customers.